Realtors - What do they really do?

Prime Properties Madeira Real Estate Agency

Considering hiring a real estate mediator? Wondering what kind of setup is best for you? Brace yourself for answers to these burning questions and more.

So, you've decided to throw your property into the wild real estate jungle, hoping it'll find a mate (buyer or tenant). Easy, right? Not so fast! The process is like navigating a bureaucratic maze, and if you're like most folks, you've got questions. Do you have the time to escort potential buyers around your castle and answer their million-dollar questions?

Enter the superhero of property predicaments: the real estate mediator! They're here to promote your digs, chaperone the curious, and even help you navigate the labyrinth of paperwork for sales, rentals, swaps, or whatever your real estate heart desires.

But before you dial up your local mediator hotline, let's take a moment to dissect the nitty-gritty. What kind of contract tickles your fancy? What's the deal with those commission rates? Fear not, dear reader, for we're about to unravel the mysteries in this real estate comedy.

Picture this: a real estate mediator, a pro in the art of property poker, juggling six crucial tasks like a real estate wizard. Behold the magic:

  1. Market analysis, because, who doesn't love a good market dance?
  2. Identifying the perfect audience, like matchmakers for homes.
  3. Shouting from the rooftops (or at least placing a sign), advertising on portals, spamming social media, and maybe a few skywritten love letters to your property.
  4. VIP property tours – let the potential buyers or renters roll in!
  5. Playing mediator (pun intended) between you and the soon-to-be homeowner.
  6. Bureaucratic ballet – guiding you through the paperwork pirouettes.

Now, why might you want to enlist the help of a real estate matchmaker, you ask?

  1. Market Mastery: They know the market like the back of their hand, preventing your property from becoming the awkward wallflower at the real estate party.
  2. Contact Connoisseur: A good mediator has a little black book full of potential love interests (buyers or renters), saving you from swiping right on every Tom, Dick, and Harry.
  3. Marketing Marvel: They unleash a marketing bonanza, ensuring your property gets more attention than a cat video on the internet.
  4. Negotiation Ninjas: Armed with negotiation skills, they'll battle it out for the best deal, sparing you from awkward money talk.

Now, for the downside: the dreaded commission. Yes, you have to pay the mediator when the deed is done. It's like a matchmaking fee, but for property. The commission is usually around 5% of the sale value, plus VAT – a small price to pay for a happily-ever-after, right?

If you're sold on the idea (pun intended again), the next step is signing the Real Estate Mediation Contract (CMI). This magical document includes property details, owner info, contract duration, the love arrangement, mediator fees, and the commission payment method.

And now, the grand finale: exclusivity or open relationship? Do you trust one mediator to be your property's soulmate exclusively, or are you open to playing the field with multiple mediators?

Exclusive Arrangement: Monogamy in the real estate world. One mediator to rule them all, with the owner providing keys exclusively to their chosen one.

Non-exclusive Arrangement: The polyamorous option. Sign contracts with multiple mediators, increasing the chances of finding the perfect match. But beware, you'll be juggling keys and coordinating with more than one cupid.

In the unpredictable world of real estate romance, the choice is yours. So, will you go steady with one mediator, or dive into a whirlwind affair with many? Happy house hunting, and may the real estate odds be ever in your favor!